Monday, October 3, 2011

Benjamin is on the move. I think I can say we have a walker. Sunday he really started walking more then crawling and every day he's getting better and better. We are thrilled. He's just doing so great. I'm happy he's on his feet more and hands less. As good of a housekeeper I am I still hate him crawling all over the floors....this will make it easier while we're out and about as well.

I had a conversation with our occupational therapist on Friday and updated her on Benjamin. She hadn't seen him through the summer months. She was very happy with his progress and officially discharged us from CPRI. So crazy. Another group of specialists off the list. We feel so blessed. Next week we go see the allergist..and get a plan of action for the winter.

We've had a few great playdates in the past few weeks as well. I forgot my camera for the last one, but we had a great time. Benjamin has a lot of little friends whom we met in the NICU last year. All of them are doing amazingly well. Its just incredible to watch these kids, who are now a year old, just growing and doing so well. I have found the mothers of these miracle babies such a great support system. Its so nice to just sit and chat about our kids, our experiences, and our anxiety. They are amazing mothers who I believe were strategically put in my life by ladies ROCK...

I am so blessed.

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