Friday, May 10, 2013

So things have been a little more exciting around here in the last few weeks, but not really in a good way.  We've made 3 trips to emerge in less then 3 weeks with Benjamin.  I'm hoping since they say things come in 3 that we are done.  First he was sitting on his bike on the grass, not even riding it, and it tipped over and he hit his head on some patio stones along the side of our driveway.  He had a huge purple goose egg on the back of his head.  It got really big really fast so we took him to emerge to be safe.  It was nothing and they sent us home.  The Friday after that Benjamin got sick..super sick.  Not sure what it was..some sort of GI bug, maybe rotavirus?  Anyways he started throwing up Friday night and was sick all the way until Wed.  He had horrible diarrhea and lots of tummy pain so Sunday night we took him back in.  He hadn't peed in 9 hours and we were concerned about dehydration.   I was also a little worried that it was more then a tummy bug but something like a blockage or narrowing.  The symptoms are all the same really.   Luckily while we were waiting Benjamin's surgeon walked by.  I flagged her down and she had a peak at him as well and was pretty confident that it was viral and not something major going on inside.  That made us feel so much better. The nurses ended up giving him a super strong anti nausea medication and he was able to keep a little down, at least for 12 hrs.  We were told from the beginning that any GI bug could really take its toll and this one did.  Luckily Avery is the only one who caught it in the house and she only lasted a couple days and was on the mend again.   Our last trip to emerge was for stitches.  Benjamin was playing in the yard with his sisters and cousins and he tried to run under the patio table to get a ball and he hit his head right on the corner.  He ended up with 4 stitches on his forehead.  Ugh, what a crazy few weeks.  

Benjamin has a few appointments coming up, but nothing major really.  He has the asthma doctor, dentist and I think we'll have one more visit with developmental follow-up around his 3rd birthday.  Its so hard to believe that in a little over a month he will 3.  It's just crazy.  I think 3 is going to be a difficult year as Benjamin is already starting to assert himself more and become independent.  I love watching him learn and grow, but I also still wish he was a quiet nursing baby.

Anyways, he, as well as the rest of us are doing good now. The weather has been great.  Its been so nice to get out and just play outside.  Its good for everyone.   We've been waiting so long for this weather.  We've been loving every minute.  So glad spring is here and summer is coming.