So exciting!!! Benjamin has been extubated and went right onto low flow. We skipped the whole high flow step. He's doing great on it too. No apnea episodes at all. The surgeon was in and was still happy with everything. The nurses tried to convince the doctors to let Benjamin go into a crib again, but they said not yet. I guess they want to keep him in the giraffe for a bit since his incisions are still a bit open..to avoid germs as much as possible, which I understand. But he is getting so big in it and he gets hot. So I think in the next few days we'll get there. I got to hold him again finally. It was so nice. The one picture is of me cutting his nails. I just love doing the little things for him..something so insignificant like cutting his nails means so much to me. He's doing so good.
all I got is: awwwwwwwww!!!!
I love that pic of you cutting his nails...so sweet. We are still praying for him (every night Laura says "and baby Benjamin who's sickie in the hospital")
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