I almost don't want to write about the good things anymore...I feel like everytime we make progress its followed by set backs. But I want everyone to know what happened today. When I called the hospital through the night to check in the nurse told me that they had stopped feeds again. When they went to check his residuals after a few hours they withdrew 8 mls of saliva and old blood. When I got to the hospital this morning Benjamin was pretty grumpy. He was acting very hungry and uncomfortable. When I changed his diaper I noticed his legs and lower body was pretty swollen. So he is definitely still retaining fluid. I think that he may be uncomfortable because of that..so the doctors gave him a few things to help get rid of that fluid. When I was holding him he was sucking on his soother like he was starving. So the nurse asked me what I thought about feeds and my gut feeling was just to feed him...So during rounds the doctors finally decided that they would start feeds again, 1ml per hour continuously, and no checking residuals. They think the old blood may be from stomach irritation. Their hope now is the breastmilk will help balance everything out. So unless he shows us that he has an upset tummy they are just going to leave him alone. He had a whole bunch of bloodwork done today and everything looked pretty good. His platelets and hemoglobin are a little low, but that could be from healing...his liver function has improved which I am so thankful for. So overall today was a good day. I'm so anxious about him tolerating his feeds, but so far so good. I am so thankful for a good day.
Sweet baby boy!! Love how his hand is by his face! Continuing to pray Shannon!! :)
:D he looks so snuggly wrapped up tight :) Glad for the good day. Soon the great days will outnumber all the not so great ones.
prayers and thoughts
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