Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Benjamin finally got his central line put it in today. The procedure went smoothly and the line was placed in the major artery in his groin. He was sedated through the procedure and was very out of it today. He cried a lot, he was very sad and it was very upsetting for me. I honestly have never heard him cry the way he did today. I'm not sure what it was that made him cry..I think it must have been the sedative, it was very bizarre for him. Anyways I'm thankful the line is in and he can get what he needs for nourishment. Now he should start to grow again. I met with the surgeon today and she has decided to do another barium swallow to follow the path through Benjamin's intestines. She wants to make sure that the parts she reattached have narrowed by scar tissue. She doesn't think that that has happened, but she wants to make sure. Worst case is that it has and she has to operate for the 5th time. Chances are things are just slow moving and he needs time. NEC affects the total bowel function, so it might not work as great. As Benjamin grows and new bowel grows that will get better. So I am anxious about the test...I feel that everything is ok, but there's always that chance that its not. So we need prayers that all is working properly and he can just get better. We are also struggling with Jon back at work. Its hard to balance the kids,home, and hospital. I feel more burnt out then ever. We have the option of parental leave for Jon, but we're not sure we can afford him being off...its so tough.

1 comment:

ordinary girl said...

Grow Benjamin Grow! Many prayers for him and you! I can only imagine the stress you are dealing with (hugs)

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