Friday, October 29, 2010

Things are going great. Benjamin had his first doctors appointment today. We love his new pediatrician which makes things so nice. I'm very happy with him. Benjamin has gained 1 lb and 3oz since he's been home. He's now 10lbs 2oz. Amazing! His weight gain at the hospital wasn't great...even on the fortified breasmilk he wasn't gaining great...the only difference now is he's home. I think that speaks volumes. He is also very happy with his weight and height in regards to his corrected age. If he were born sept 13th he would be right where he should be. I'm so glad to hear that. I'm nursing Benjamin more and more. Now that his weight gain is going well I'm going to nurse more. If he has gained well over the next 2 weeks I can start to exclusively breastfeed, which is what I want to do so badly....pumping is so much work. The doctor also couldn't hear Benjamin's heart murmur. I'm so glad that his PDA appears to be closing. We go to the cardiologist in December so we'll know then for sure how big the hole is. So overall the pediatrician was so happy with Benjamin and how things are going. We go back in 2 weeks for immunizations. All is well at home and we're starting to settle. God has blessed me so richly. He has seen me through the hardest time in my life and given me the most beautiful gift. I am so thankful for the prayers that have been lifted up and I know without them it would have been that much harder to make it through. Thanks everyone so much, I can't say it enough.

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