Monday, January 10, 2011

Well we ended up at emerge. Sunday morning Benjamin woke up more wheezy then the day before. He was breathing a little harder and his lips were bluish. So we decided to take him in right away. Thankfully emerge wasn't to busy and we were home in 3 hours. Benjamin definitely has bronchiolitis. I'm thankful when they check his oxygen saturation he was satting around 98%. I did give him his puffer before we left so maybe it was lower before we got to the hospital. Benjamin was fantastic at the hospital. He's definitely a ladies man. He lots of smiles for the doctors and nurses. They gave him another dose of steriods and a steriod puffer. So for 2 days we have to give him 4 puffs 4x a day of the original inhaler and then 1 puff at breakfast and 1 puff at bedtime of the steriod inhaler for 2 weeks. Then on any cold onset we start it right away. I'm so thankful that its helping. Benjamin still hasn't had a fever and is acting normal. He been extra hungry and super cranky due to the steriod..but that almost over... Other then that he is good....I really hope it all just passes. The doctor said it might get worse before it gets better, but he's going on day 5, so I hope we're almost through it. Anyways prayers are always welcome..and we know they help. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

I hope Benjamin keeps feeling better.


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