Monday, June 6, 2011

Benjamin is on the move..we had a great weekend, but more and more he is keeping me on my toes. I have to shut all the doors and constantly remind the girls to pick up all their little toys...If my eyes aren't on Benjamin he's usually into something. He's already ripped up and tried to eat several peices of paper. I have to empty the bottom of the bookshelf because he can reach everything. I also caught him hanging onto the piano trying to step on a toy to get higher. I think he is going to be my dare devil. Tomorrow will be the first time Benjamin will be left with someone other then Jon or I...Its my mom so I feel totally comfortable..but its another milestone in a way. We're going to donate blood and out for lunch with friends. I'm really looking forward to doing something without kids.
Anyways..thats about all. I'll post a picture of Benjamin's tummy today. It looks pretty good. He does have a weird scar..because the surgeon had to pull the muscle together and there were some weak spots it made his muscle really tight in some he has a ridge under his skin and it pulled his belly button he has a super innie. It also created a little excess skin, hence the little fold. But its all good. If that is all we have left from his issues we are fine with that.

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