Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What a day...We saw the surgeon and she is so happy with how Benjamin is doing. She was impressed with his growth. But he has a remarkably large hernia where he's had his surgeries...the abdominal wall has seperated and his bowel is pushing through. The doctor said it was one of the largest hernia's she'd ever seen. So Benjamin will have to have 1 more surgery. I'm so bummed. She's in no hurry so she's planning on doing it when he is 6mths corrected, so probably in March. Compared to his other issues this is minor, but she will have to re-open his original incision and push his bowel back down and sew his abdominal muscles closed. I think this will be the hardest surgery. He'll be so much bigger and aware of what's happening. Luckily the 7th floor will be over in the new building and we'll have our own room. I'll be able to stay around the clock...I'll have to anyways because he's nursing. Anyways, its disappointing but we're going to focus on what's going on now and he's great.
Yesterday we saw the physiotherapist and she was thrilled with his progress. We've been working hard at home and she really noticed that. So that's great. He's doing above and beyond what a 2mth old baby corrected should be doing. He's grabbing for toys and he's found his tongue :). So we are happy. He also had his RSV vaccine yesterday and did great..the doctor weighed him and he gained another 12oz this week. So he's up to 12lbs 6oz. Crazy.
Benjamin is on the cover of the NICU cookbook which is available we picked up a few exciting.
Anyways that's about it for now.

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