Sunday, September 26, 2010

Well we were heading in the right direction and I guess we still are, but last night Benjamin's night was so great. I guess around 2am he threw up a huge amount of milk. So we got the call saying they were stopping his feeds. This morning when the doctor came around and restarted his feeds at 5mls/hr. They were up to 14mls/hr last night. It was very disappointing. I guess it was Benjamin's way of telling us that it was to much to fast. He was very "burpy" yesterday and I'm not sure why. I don't know if he was breathing harder then normal and getting more air of if the oxygen he was on was forcing air into his tummy...and maybe thats why this all went down. This morning they did some x-rays to double check there was nothing going on in his bowels, but the doctor was happy with how everything inside looked. Thank God for that, I was terrified. Anyways, he was very grumpy today, he's very hungry. It was a frustrating day because all he wants to do is eat, and he can't. So I spent the day holding his soother in. Tonight the doctor came in just before I left and I told him how hungry Benjamin was so he gave the nurses the go ahead to put him back up to 10mls/hr. So I am very happy with that. They also were getting him some sucrose to help pacify him a bit...we're working our way back in the right direction. The doctor said its good to push him a bit because we won't know until we try. We're going to regroup in the morning and go from there. They also took him off the oxygen again, so that is very positive to. Benjamin had lots of company today, so that was nice too. It makes the long days in the hospital pass a little faster.

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