Thursday, July 22, 2010


I just want Monday to be here and the surgery to be over. I'm so nervous about him having another major operation. He did so great last time so its hard not to assume he'll do even better this time, but you can't assume anything. I'm scared.

He had a great day again today. He had bloodwork for the first time today in a while and his hemoglobin was really low...the nurse even did repeat bloodwork because she couldn't believe how low it was. The funny thing is is that Benjamin had no signs of being anemic. So he had a blood transfusion today. Anemia is common in preemies because their bodies can't keep making new cells as quickly as the cells die off. Because surgery is Monday they had to make sure his blood is ready. So he may have another one yet before Monday.

Say a prayer for the doctor who is doing the surgery, say a prayer that Benjamin will be ok and recover as well as last time...and say a prayer for all the other babies in the NICU.

1 comment:

ordinary girl said...

((hugs)) It's okay to be scared, you are a mom, your little one has to endure something no baby should have to. He is strong and he is a fighter! You have to keep postive as hard as it is. He has so many pple praying for him and thinking about him. I will be praying that he is going to be just fine, that you will be at peace while he is in surgery. I am here for you and I will be praying for him with everything I've got. ((hugs))

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