Friday, July 23, 2010


Well Benjamin's surgery has been cancelled. The surgeon is out of town due to a death in the family. The worse news though is that Benjamin may have an infection. His tummy has gotten a little red and hard which would indicate something may be going on. His bloodwork was off as well indicating his body may be fighting something. The surgeon looked at him and his x-ray and said everything looked fine so far, so I'm thankful for that. Antibiotics have been started. The possible cause of infection could be that the 7 days of antibiotics he was on post surgery didn't quite get rid of all that was festering in his belly from the perforation. So in the past week its been starting to grow again. That seems to be the most logical answer. Benjamin is not acting sick..his vitals are stable..he complains when his diaper is changed and bloodwork is done...this is good. If he were lethargic then there would be more of a concern. Hopefully after 24-48hrs of antibiotics everything will start to get better again. Pray this doesn't turn into anything major and that surgery will be rescheduled sooner then later.

1 comment:

OrangeHeroMama said...

oh shan! we're praying he fights it super fast so he can have his surgery, heal, grow, and get home! :)

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