Friday, July 30, 2010

What a day

I'm so glad its over. Surgery lasted just over 2 hours this morning. The surgeon was very happy with how it went. She cleaned everything up, reattched the ends of his small intestine and checked everything over. All looked healthy. The surgeon expects that once he is healed he should have normal bowel functions. The doctors told us he would probably get worse before he got better, but I wasn't really prepared for what came after. They had a hard time stabilizing Benjamin after surgery. It was a breathing issue and blood pressure issue. They moved him back onto the high frequency ventilator which has helped... there was a frantic period of time where the nurses,rt's and doctors were working to try to stabilize him. It was incredibly scary. The nurses kept reassuring me that this was normal, but noraml for them is terrifying for me. Finally he settled and everything worked itself out. So when I left about 30 min ago Benjamin was stable and resting quietly. It was very hard to leave him, and I'm sure between brief naps, I will be on the phone with his nurse tonight. I'm so glad to have this behind us and am so grateful for all the prayers and well wishes. We still have a long road and the next day and a half are critical. We definitely still need the prayers.


Lisa said...

We are all praying over here. Sending lots of love your way.

ordinary girl said...

you are all in my prayers.

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