Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The date

The date has been set for Benjamin's surgery. It will be Monday at 10am. The surgery will probably take about 2 hours depending on how much scar tissue has formed inside. Once the surgery is done he can start eating a couple days later. The first little bit they have to make sure there is no leaking or scar tissue obstructing the path, but once we're past that the plan is to eat a grow. Coming home doesn't seem so far off anymore. We're excited. I am also very anxious about this surgery. It is a major operation and there are always risks involved, but since he did so well last time around when he was so sick we don't anticipate any issues. The doctor did say that the first 24hrs he may get worse before he gets better, but we just have to wait and see. I feel bad that he has to be intubated and on meds and have another incision, but that's out of my control. I know he'll never remember any of this, so I am thankful for that.
Please pray that surgery on Monday goes well and that Benjamin will recover just as quickly as he did after his last surgery.

The London Free Press did a story on a NICU features Benjamin. You can't see him that well, but we thought it was kind of neat.

1 comment:

ordinary girl said...

You and he will be in my thougths and prayers. That little man is a fighter!!!

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