Friday, July 2, 2010


Thats what we need right now. Benjamin is very sick. He was intubated yesterday afternoon, and now today he is on a machine called a oscillator. This means his condition has gotten worse and he is unable to do the breathing on his own. He had a blood transfusion today through an IV in his head. The doctors also put another line in his left arm so they could take blood without poking him every 3-4 hours. After the tranfusion the nurse was expecting his bloodwork to look better, unfortunately it hasn't improved. The doctors still aren't sure what is causing him an issue. His x-ray this morning showed his belly looking better, so the cause of his illness is still unknown. He did seem to be moving around more this afternoon and he had his eyes open for a bit, which is good, but we were hoping to see more of an improvement by now.
Anyways, the girls are gone for the weekend and Jon and I are spending a lot of time at the hospital. He's a strong boy, so hopefully he'll fight his way through this.


ordinary girl said...

I'm praying for him Shannon. ((hugs))

Delia said...

Hugs to you Shannon. Constant prayers and thoughts for you and Benjamin.

Flamingo Girl said...

I hope it's ok if I add Benjamin's name to our prayer book at Mass tomorrow. Please know we are thinking and praying for him for sure.

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