Saturday, July 10, 2010


I am so thankful for the doctors and nurses in the NICU. They have done so much and worked so hard. I can't imagine where we'd be without them.
Benjamin had a great day. He is off the sedative he was on and is really starting to wake up more. He was pretty restless today, but I think he's just uncomfortable from laying the same way for so long. He lost a lot of fluid which is great. He weighed in tonight at 3lbs. Him dropping 13oz is a good thing for once. He is doing most of the breathing on his own...he's only recieving 10 extra breaths. His hemoglobin went up, which is awesome. Hopefully he won't need another transfusion...and his body can take care of itself.
We are taking things one day at a time. The NICU is a great place, but can be very scarey at the same time. I feel paranoid, that everytime something rings, or changes there is something wrong. Trying to relax has been so hard and we are totally exhausted. As each day passes and Benjamin is good I give a big sigh of relief that we've made it another day. All the prayers and so appreciated, but please don't stop...our road is long.

1 comment:

ordinary girl said...

I am so glad to hear things just keep continuing to improve!! He is always in my thoughts and prayers!!!

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