Monday, August 16, 2010

Baby steps

We've made a couple baby steps today..I'm thankful for matter how small. The doctors restarted feeds around noon today. He is on continuous feed now. His breastmilk goes into a syringe and on a pump which pushes it into his tummy at a very slow rate. He's recieving 0.5mls every hour. Its such a small amount, but its something. So far the nurses have only drawn back some saliva and old blood (probably from surgery) after a few hours of feed. There was no bile present so his milk is far. The doctors will slowly increase his feed amounts as time goes on. Benjamin seemed a little uncomfortable today, but I'm sure as things slowly start to move their way through he'll have a little discomfort. His stomach and intestines really haven't done much work since feeds were stopped July 1st. The nurses finally got the bag secured on his stoma well. They have been having an issue with that because there is a part of his incision right beside it that is not healed and the stool runs into it...ouch. This breaks down the skin more. They are keeping an eye on that as you can imagine it can cause a raging infection. Its been trial and error today trying to find the best way to fit the bag on and to protect his skin. But he is really starting to produce stool..I never thought I'd be so happy to see poop :) Anyways, I'm a nervous wreck with everything worried that he'll reject his feedings..but I'm trying to just take is one day at a time. He's such a resiliant amazing little boy. Its unbelievable what he has already overcome.


Lisa said...

That's such great news! Sending more prayers and love your way :)

Tanya said...

Wonderful news. I'm praying that the feeds can be increased and he will tolerate that liquid gold. :) Thoughts are with you too.


ordinary girl said...

amazing is right!!! Thinking of him and hoping that he'll tolerate everything alright. ((hugs))

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