Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I really want everyone who reads my blog to consider donating blood. I never really thought about giving before all this happened. The thought of the needle put me off all together...but now its the least I can do. Benjamin has recieved 14 transfusions since he was born and if people didn't donate he might not be here. Yesterday Jon and I went. I can't donate until 6mths after giving birth, but Jon donated. There is such a shortage...Benjamin has also recieved platelets, plasma and immunoglobulin(another immune boosting blood product)which you can donate as well. I will donate every 57 days from now on.

Today was another quiet day. The cardiologist was in and did another EKG to check out Benjamin's murmur. The hole is still there, but doesn't seem to be affecting him. So as long as it doesn't cause any issues he will be seen as an outpatient as he gets older. It could close on its own..or just never be a problem. The biggest thing now is getting him off his oxygen. The murmur may affect that. If they can't get him off the Oxygen they may have to repair it sooner then later. The surgeon was also in today.. She is so happy with Benjamin's progress. She took out his stitches so thats good. Benjamin's feeds are now up to 5mls/hr. We are keeping a close eye on his output to make sure he doesn't start rejecting his feeds. But so far so good. 5mls isn't a lot, but its 5mls/hr less of the TPN he's on that is harming his liver. The nutritionist was happy with Benjamin's growth. He's just below the 50th percentile for growth which is good considering he has had such poor nutrition. He ways 7lbs now...He's still a bit swollen, but we're getting closer to his true weight. He's such a big boy...
I think that's about it for today. Things are well.


ordinary girl said...

He must seem huge in comparison to when he was born!! What is Benjamin's blood type? Can you request that your blood goes to a specific person?

ShannonC. said...

He's B+. I don't think you can request it...but I'm not sure.

ordinary girl said...

I'm thinking about donating, Just need to get up the courage :) I'm O- which I know they always need.

Anonymous said...

Negative blood types they LOVE...they are the universal donors (Positives can get Negative blood...but Negative blood can't get Positive). You can't request that your blood goes to a specific person.
I donate every week when I can (I am A-).

Your sons story is so hard for me to read at times it has me in tears because I had a baby at 23 weeks and some of the stuff your son had happen happened to my son.

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