Friday, August 20, 2010

Getting involved

Jon and I are really starting to get involved more with Benjamin's care. Tonight we went in an bathed him and changed all his dressings. I feel sometimes the nurses don't have the time to give him when it comes to changing his bandages as I often as I would like. They have they're own schedule for changing and such, but I prefer it more often. Right now we are trying to get thinks under control with his incision. There is a large open spot right beside the stoma that really needs to be make sure no stool is getting in and causing an issue. It seems to be healing, but its a constant problem. So Jon and I know how to change everything and can do it on our own. We're there a lot so I'm happy we can do it. The doctor put Benjamin on a special antibiotic today that is for skin infections and wounds...they don't think there is an infection, but his tummy is very red so they thought this would help and maybe help him heal faster. So I hope that works. His feeds are up to 3mls/hour now and they are hoping to have him up to 5mls/hour by Monday. I'm praying that goes well. Anyways, that's all thats new. Benjamin is such a good patient boy. I love him so much.

1 comment:

ordinary girl said...

it must feel good to have a little bit of control over his care.

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