Sunday, August 8, 2010

What a day

As of now Benjamin is stable. I cannot believe the strength that he has. He made it through another scary very serious surgery. Last night around 11:30 we go the call from the surgeon saying that they were going to operate immediately. The original plan was surgery was going to take 2 hours, but it ended up lasting about 4hrs. When the doctor opened Benjamin up she found the bowel that had been reconnected had torn apart and was leaking bile and stool into his abdominal cavity. No one could believe that he had no symptoms up until last night because she said it had been like this for a few days. The bowel was very stuck in different areas so it too her a long time to cut it all free. So his insides are very raw and swollen. She decided to make stoma and give him an illiostomy. What this is is a the end of his bowel is now coming out an incision on his belly. All the contents of his bowels will now empty into the bag. This will give everything a chance to fully heal. Then in approximately 6-12 weeks they will go back in and reconnect everything inside. So we have another surgery down the road. Benjammin has been very stable since surgery. His blood pressure has been good. He is on 3 different kinds of antibiotic to help clear out the mess that was in his abdomen. He's on a high dose of morphine of coarse...everything is very sore. The surgeon was in around 4:00 this afternoon and was very happy with how he looked and how the incision looked. So for now, things are ok. He is still very very sick and we need you to pray.


ordinary girl said...

Oh my Shannon, what a fighter that little boy is. He sounds like he has some strong will power there. I will continue to pray for him. ((hugs))

Candace Novakowski said...

Praying with every ounce in my body for him!
~~Candace (Mrs Crunchy on LM'S)

jules said...

praying hard hard for him and for you all

Lisa said...

We're all praying over here. He is a fighter, that's for sure. Love and hugs.

Jill said...

so glad to hear he made it through and is recovering. lots of prayers for benjamin!

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