Friday, October 15, 2010

4 months today I gave birth to the most amazing little boy. What a ride it has been. We have been through so much...I am exhausted, but incredibly thankul. My boy is happy and healthy and doing so great. Benjamin had another good day. We are continuing the increase in his feeds. Today he was getting his 3 hour feeds over 2 hours. I bottled him 4 times and by the end of the night he was taking almost 40mls by bottle. Tomorrow he will get his feed over an hour and a half. He's been tolerating things fairly well. I have noticed that he is having a little more reflux, but I guess that is to be expected. He had a bigger episode tonight where he just couldn't get it back was a little scarey, but he eventually recovered on his own. It makes me nervous thinking about bringing him home when he does that, but lots of kids have it so I'm sure we'll be fine. The doctor pulled his picc line tonight. I noticed this afternoon that it was starting to get a little red around the site. So they took a look at it and finally decided it wasn't worth the risk of an infection. He wasn't getting anything through it right now so they took it out. I'm relieved in a way, but worried that if something happens they will have to put another one in. I guess will deal with that if it comes. Other then that all is well. Now that Benjamin's milk is fortified he's been putting on good weight. He's an even 9lbs now. So this weekend will be big in getting Benjamin to bolus feed, but I think he'll be great.
Thanks for all the prayers...we still need them to get through these next few weeks.


Tanya said...

Benjamin is growing :) What a sweet little guy he is :) So cute and he looks so content :)

HAve a great weekend.


Unknown said...

Hi Shannon,
I'm Erin, Joel Heeren's wife. I follow your blog everyday and just have to tell you that you are on amazing woman and have one amazing and strong little boy. You give me so much inspiration just from what you have been through and the strength that is needed to get through each day.
God is amazing and we are constantly praying for your family and hope to see you one day in Michigan (again)!
Take care,

ShannonC. said...

Thanks so much Erin...I appreciate all the prayers and support. I don't think I'm an amazing woman..I'm a mother and you do what you have to do for your child. You would do the same. Give your little angel a big is so precious.

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