Saturday, October 2, 2010

So the results from the small bowel follow through are good. The doctor was very happy with how his x-rays looked. The only thing that is an issue is how fast things are digesting. She said that an hour and a half after they barium was given to him it should have been through his small bowel, but it wasn't. So its as we thought, his digestion is slow. I guess over time that will get faster, especially as he grows and grows more healthy bowel. We are so thankful for these results. Benjamin had a pretty good day. He had 2 bottles today. He did ok...I can't give them to him yet...I get so stressed out if he chokes. I'm so worried about him aspirating again, but he needs to learn. So I'm leaving it up to the nurses. They know better how to do it. I never thought it would be hard to bottle feed a baby. But like everything else for Benjamin its not coming easy. I really hope he can get the hang of it. Anyways he's doing good...He's up to 13mls/hour. That just over half of his hourly amount. So I'm excited about that, we'll get there slowly. Its one day at a time.

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