Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. Benjamin had a good day. I got to the hospital early this morning to give Benjamin his bottle. He did excellent. No problems at all. Then after church I went back and gave him another one. He did great with that one to. I think he's got the hang of it. Tomorrow I'm going to give him 3. The doctors were worried that it would tire him out to much, but he had his bottle at 11:30am and was awake until 2:30pm. He just wasn't interested in sleeping at all. Its so fun to watch him looking around. He's so curious and he was so happy just hanging out with me. It was great. Benjamin had bloodwork done today and it came back that his potassium was high. This made me very they did a repeat blood test and it was even higher. High potassium could indicate heart issues, so that was scarey. But the doctor wanted to rule out other causes so they stopped his TPN, which has potassium in it. They thought it could be a combination of TPN and breastmilk...that he was getting to much. They did another blood test tonight and it came back normal...I'm so thankful that he was just getting to much and his heart is fine. The other issue tonight is that his central line is blocked. The nurses inject a special fluid in it and let it sit for 4 hours, then they try to flush it. If that doesn't work they will try again and let it sit for another 2 hours. If its still blocked they'll have to pull it. Its so frustrating. After the whole ordeal to get the central line in the first place they may have to pull it tomorrow. Anyways, they are increasing his feeds every 12 hours now, just to get him up to full feeds faster. He's up to 22mls tonight and by Tuesday he'll be at full feeds. So we're praying he tolerates the faster increase and that things to continue to go well. I'm thankful for my family...for all they do. They have been amazing in helping me pick up the peices. The girls are always looked after and I don't ever have to worry about them. I always have someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. God has blessed me incredibly.

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